During his 40 years of practice, Daryl has partnered with, educated, and coached strategic leaders and seasoned change practitioners in many of the world’s most successful organizations, helping them understand the challenges and opportunities they face during transformational change.
His observations working with thousands of these dedicated professionals rooted his belief that what really differentiates the most effective leaders and change practitioners is not merely their technical expertise (what they do), but who they are—how their character and presence are brought forward and the impact it has on others.
It is why he partnered with Ed Boswell in 2014 to found Conner Academy.
His work is built on a strong foundation of research, extensive consulting experience, and a master’s degree in psychology. He has authored two books—Managing at the Speed of Change (Random House, 1993) and Leading at the Edge of Chaos (John Wiley & Sons, 1998)—and more than 250 publications, including journal and magazine articles, monographs, book chapters, and videos.