In addition to the NJOD’s free Monthly Meetings, we are developing a 2-3 hour workshop series to give our learning community the opportunity to participate in classes and workshops that build knowledge and competency in many areas of Organization Development, Organization Effectiveness, and Talent Development. There will be a small charge for attendance at the Workshop series to cover all costs.
Recommendations for workshops are welcome. Send an email to tara.seaget@asgna.com
Here is a sample of one of our first Workshops from earlier this year:
Leading Change to Shape Organizational Culture was well received in October, 2013
In today’s world of instant global communication and turn-on-a-dime invention and reinvention, a business or government organization’s quest for improvement must be constant; new challenges and opportunities in the world environment are unrelenting. The key to making the quest for the right improvements at the right time is embedded in the leadership and the people of each organization.
Darryl Griffen, Leesa Papier, and Michael DAmbrosio, nationally recognized Federal Government leaders, whose respective careers in law enforcement and the armed forces have successfully shaped multiple organizational cultures, will bring a sharp focus to the proven behaviors and qualifications that they have learned are critical attributes for the leadership and people of your organization.